Howto use Doctrine repositories with migrations
March 30, 2019
written by Hylke
Today I w
anted to do something other than usual: I wanted to convert a couple of fields in my database and fill them automatically while doing the migration. Now I’ve done this before, create a preUp, save the data I need, and in the postUp convert this data to the new fields.
This day was a little different, because I needed a repository in my postUp, well, easy with Symfony 4: first thing I tried was use Dependancy Injection, but that failed:
Too few arguments to function DoctrineMigrations\Version20190329145026::__construct(), 1 passed in /application/vendor/doctrine/migrations/lib/Doctrine/Migrations/Version/Version.php on line 65
It took me some time, but I found the thing I needed in a little corner of the Symfony documentation .
All I needed to do was use:
$uploadRepository = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getRepository(Upload::class);
in my postUp, and I was ready to roll.
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