docker autocompletion containernames on Mac OS X

docker autocompletion containernames on Mac OS X

docker autocompletion containernames on Mac OS X

No Comments on docker autocompletion containernames on Mac OS X written by Hylke

On Linux you can use D exec -it and autocompletion cycles through all the possible options. On Mac OS X it doesn’t work out of the box. To make this happen the changes are very easy, you need to find a Bash completion file, thankfully this is featured in the docker-compose repository on Github. You need to download this file and put it in the /etc/bash_completion.d/ . The name isn’t that important, but I would suggest using docker-compose because that way you can identify it when you visit that directory after a couple of years.


Now, after you start a new terminal, you should have all the cool autocomplete features you always wanted, because who want’s to remember all those long container names?



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